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    本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的PS纹理概念深化视频教程,Digital-Tutors Enhancing Your Concepts with Textures in Photoshop,时长:2小时49分,大小:1.89 GB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop CS6,作者:Kurt Jones,官方发布日期:2013年3月,共15个章节,语言:英语。

    Intermediate | 2h 49m | 1.89 GB | Project Files 832 MB | Software used: Photoshop CS6

    We’ll begin this training by starting with a sketch of our forest creature, along with visualizing the environment that our concept exists in. From there, we’ll spend several lessons using some different methods of blocking in textures to develop and evolve the look of our forest creature. As we apply our textures we’ll be working in grayscale so that we can focus on maintaining our values first.

    Once our textures have been blocked in, we’ll begin to refine our concept and learn how to apply color. We’ll finish our concept by exploring how to place our forest creature into an environment that compliments his appearance.

    By utilizing the methods of applying textures in this course you’ll be able to add more depth and personality to your own concepts.

    Enhancing Your Concepts with Textures in Photoshop contents:

    1. Introduction and project overview
    2. Adding a base skin texture to our sketch
    3. Texturing the horns of our forest creature
    4. Adding patches of bark texture to our forest creature
    5. Painting moss textures onto our forest creature
    6. Adding rock textures and forms to our forest creature concept
    7. Texturing the eyes of our forest creature concept
    8. Texturing the mouth interior of our forest creature
    9. Refining our blocked in textures
    10. Continue to refine our grayscale textured forest creature
    11. Blocking in color
    12. Continuing to apply color to our concept
    13. Refining our forest creature concept with some final details
    14. Setting our forest character into a scene
    15. Adjusting the depth of field of our concept
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    楼主 2016-08-06 09:33 回复

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