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    C4D Destruction TacticsThis tutorial is a look into visual effects from a motion-graphics artists' perspective. The goal is to learn the basics of using image-based, projected textures with projection man, combined with creating a basic explosion and crumbling sequence that does not require a team of people, or weeks to put together. Image Setup and Projection
    The beginning will go over the basics and implementation of the extremely easy-to-use "projection man" module built right into Cinema, that allows for mocking up, projecting, and baking images directly onto geometry. We will search for and pick an image with a very high resolution to allow for a high level of detail with our image-based materials. We will then learn how to prepare projection man, the camera, and the base material, so that we can continually add geometry without any additional setup.
    The benefits of using this method to texture objects are multifold; they are extremely fast to use in the viewport and renderer, are significantly easier to use than procedural textures built from layers, and can be taught to anyone even if your experience with materials is nil. The very best part about image-based textures is that if you use a high-resolution image, they are photorealistic automatically! Baking textures
    We will begin by with creating a window and each of its parts, learn how to bake the texture into the geometry (convert the projected image to a UV map that can be applied to any object.) As our scene grows in size, we will apply layers for ease of organization and to allow us to "solo" certain objects or groups of objects for editing. Once we have created the main model with its projected textures, we will go on to mock up some of the surrounding objects, buildings, and the street to help flesh out the stylized scene and add contrast between the "main model" and the external scene.
    Breaking Up
    Once the geometry is all mocked up, we'll have a look at breaking objects apart both by hand, and by using one of the many plug-ins available for the purpose that are popping up all over the place. There are benefits and downsides to both methods and both are important to use depending on the desired effect or outcome. For exacting precision, nothing beats the by-hand method. The main issue is that it is extremely time consuming. The plug-in method can be very quick to do, but may not yield the exact results needed, promoting a combination of the two methods for both speed and precision. Explosion
    We will then proceed to blow out the windows and the door in an initial explosion using the bullet dynamics built-in "glitch." Any time two objects are dynamically initiated but are overlapping (or inside one another) an explosion happens. Learn to begin harnessing this concept and make it work for you instead of the reverse. We will talk about density and rotational mass, and we will address how baking dynamics is extremely helpful, but can also be a pitfall if done too early on. Crumble
    After the blowout is complete, we will then break up the rest of the main building's façade and crumble it to the ground in all its destructive glory! Using an on-collision setting in the dynamics tag, we will use the roof to trigger all the rest of the pieces crumbling and falling in a chain reaction. Everyone likes explosions and destruction, and with Modynamics, Cinema 4D has made it easier than ever before and faster than any equivalent 3d package.  

    楼主 2016-10-25 13:52 回复

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