001 Welcome.mp4
002 What can sound design do for me_.mp4
003 Using the exercise files.mp4
004 Starting out in Audition.mp4
005 Strategizing an approach for sound design.mp4
006 Using markers to spot to picture.mp4
007 Searching sound effects libraries efficiently.mp4
008 Adding sounds to the Timeline.mp4
009 Stretching and shrinking sound effects to picture.mp4
010 Working with sound in the Waveform Editor.mp4
011 Using real-time clip effects for sound design.mp4
012 Reversing and editing clips for effect.mp4
013 Using real-time track effects for sound design.mp4
014 Creating motion through sound.mp4
015 Working with tonal vs. nontonal sounds.mp4
016 Layering sound for heightened impact.mp4
017 Spectral filtering for effect.mp4
018 Sculpting sound from nothing with Doppler and Distortion.mp4
019 Sculpting sound with Chorus and Guitar Suite.mp4
020 Building your own custom library.mp4
021 Mixing techniques.mp4
022 Exporting from Audition.mp4
023 Archiving and revision techniques.mp4
024 Next steps.mp4
Audition片头短片宣传片音效制作教程,以一个30S片头动画为实例,来讲解背景音效的制作流程,包含Audition CC 中每个工具的使用方法等
Audition MG动画宣传短片声音音效制作教程 Lynda Sound Design for Motion Graphics